Dawn Chorus Tea


Retail Tin – 1.7 oz.

Organic dawn chorus tea is gentle yet full of heart and substance. This delicately balanced tea is a perfect way to start the day and offers just the right amount of pick-me-up for a sleepy afternoon. This mildly sweet and lightly fragrant nettle-based infusion is a superb alternative to the caffeine kick found in green and black teas.

Caffeine free.

Aroma and Flavor
A floral aroma with complimentary herbaceous notes, and an initial rosy flavor with a fresh green finish.

Organic nettle leaf, organic green rooibos, and organic rose petals.

Brew Instructions
Fill 1 tablespoon of tea in a cloth tea bag or mesh basket and place in your favorite mug. Pour 8 ounces of boiling water over the tea and allow to steep for 3-5 minutes or until desired strength is reached.


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Image of loose leaf Dawn Chorus herbal tea blendDawn Chorus Tea